Thanks for sharing your journey! Indeed getting the first $ online is hard and often cherished as without that there won‘t be a second $ and more.

Recently I got the least funny amount I appreciate as well - Amazon sent me $0.01 (=1 cent!), possibly because someone on the 🇺🇸American Kindle store only read a few pages (my Amazon income is coming from its stores in 🇦🇺 and 🇩🇪). They even transferred that one cent!

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Hah no way! Wow 😅

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Self-professed introvert! We’re some of the most creative people I know. Time to shine!

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Thanks for sharing, it’s very inspiring. I’ve been doing newsletters for about 4 years on and off. It’s been a slow start (with many false starts). What has really helped me was trying different things, until I found a topic I enjoy writing about. What makes the difference is perseverance.

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yes, thanks for this! finding a topic that you enjoy is the first step, preservance the second

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Sep 27Liked by Claudia Faith

Great post. I started selling digital products in 2018 and my journey started out very similar. Saw about $8 by the end of that year. And it went up from there. The markets are saturated for what I like to do but I believe competition breeds success.

And you're also spot on with just trying things out and exploring your interests and creative sides. Never know what can become a hit. Thanks for sharing!

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that's so true - I think a lot of people think that they can only do one thing and stick with it even though they might not like it.. you simply gotta try and pivot if needed

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